We got a wardrobe! Huge thing with plenty of room for every piece of clothing and accessory we own. Huge thing needs room, and that prompted the big moving and rearranging of the rest of the apartment. I was surprised how the changes, the cleaning, the sorting and the moving affected me. I was excited, nervous, then cranky, tired, and in the evening ridiculously happy. When we went to sleep at 1 am, the world was beautiful and my man was the best. I haven't slept so well in years. I woke up motivated and ready to tackle the tasks of the day. I'm in love with our wardrobe!
Now that I have the wardrobe as a physical reason to really sort out things and clean and organize, I'm unstoppable. My man is asking if I'm okay, because he has apparently never seen me so invested in the household! I can feel the energy of our living space moving, changing, waking up and paying attention. I'll be done with the big tasks by the end of the week. Then the magical cleaning and working can begin!
I cleared a surface for my first ever altar, found a beautiful scarf and today came across big wide candles in ceramic bowls that I knew belong there. I'll see how my man reacts, and whether I can prevent him from putting his cell phone and hand lotion there, as it is in our bedroom...
As for magic and enchanting, here's my response to the prompt.
I'm still keeping it small, focusing on getting my place clean, shiny and ready. I'll be making a honey pot or two as soon as I can, many people are talking/writing about them and I haven't heard of them before! I'm learning tarot, though I have a hard time coming up with questions for myself.
I'm not a fan of doing magic or reading for every single thing. I make decisions and I carry the consequences. I have to act in real life to get any results, and right now I see magic as a way to get to know myself , and a "power kick" in addition to physical action. I'd do magic to focus on my intent, get clarity about what I want and then have a remainder of that clear intent and act towards it. I see this kind of magic everywhere, a "lucky necklace" here, a vision board there, somebody looks at their list of goals every morning and imagine they already achieved them, I have a picture of the phone I really really want hanging on the wall above my desk... I also often see people throwing all the responsibility on the circumstances, or the spirits, the cards, the energy, etc. They ask everything and everyone for signs, unable or unwilling to make a decision, and by default ignoring the signs they are given. This is why I'm careful and slow with magic. I'll celebrate the holidays and I'll do rituals and I'll read cards, but I'm wary of giving up the control over my own decisions and actions. Thoughts?
(Also, I REALLY REALLY want to take the Strategic Sorcery Course that starts on 2nd February! A lot of what Jason Miller writes resonates with my understanding of magic , the course gets brilliant reviews by newbies as well as experienced practitioners, everyone seems to be talking about it, and my birthday is on the 6th February! I'm just gonna wish for it really hard. And strategise.)
I've also been paying more attention to my dreams and my intuition. Since the pomegranate-seeds-ritual and then the solstice ritual, the little voice in my head wouldn't shut up, and sometimes it takes over and talks out loud. I invited it in, opened up for it, I said "for a year and a day, you're welcome" ... and it still surprises me anyway. It's been telling me pretty often to light a candle, burn incense and acknowledge the presence of the other worlds. I think it's a practice of daily offering slowly taking form.
I also started having peculiar revelations, encounters and conversations... A few days ago, I went to my neighbor, who is also a good friend, to borrow some tools, and ended up talking with him for two hours about his life, advising him on decisions and telling him some brutal things (he then admitted that he already sort of knew all that to be true, but noone ever said it outloud and directly to his face, and then he thanked me for it). I got home, shaky and cold, didn't really remember half of the conversation, bee-lined for the candles and incense sticks, lit them, then loaded a plate with lunch and spent an hour grounding, calming down and warming up. I'd say WTF?!? but then again, I opened the door to magical, mysterious, weird and scary, so I guess the invitation has been accepted. Anyone else had ever happen that to them? Was it my crazy talking or is something happening there?
I love reading everyone's responses to the prompts! I'm following every single blog that's participating and glad to see I'm not the only one who's behind (muhahahahah)!
Clean surfaces and tiny voices
thoughts by
20 January 2012
Menovky: New Year New Me
1 other thoughts:
Great work with getting the energy moving in your house and working on small magic! It sounds like you got tapped pretty hard with helping your friend, eating is always a good way to ground after something like that.
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