I shoot film

After a long time of nostalgic dreaming I finally got one ... the camera of my childhood, when I learned the how and what of photography and spent hours in the dark room... Praktica! So my face has been covered by the camera pretty often. It looks something like this...

Re-learning all the numbers and controls, I took it on a test walk around Vienna, and with assistance of Sebastian and his old-time light meter tried to capture my beloved city on film....

Then my boyfriend and me were off to Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. The traditional Radvansky Market where Miroslav met his falconer friends. Meeting up with my amazing cousins whom I see too little.

A detour to my grandparent's kitchen where the whole family still meets. 

Back in Vienna, where else should we end up than a coffeehouse? 

And returning from a week of traveling, my cats really seemed to miss me ... like cats do ;)

You can expect more photos as I figure things out ... 


Photos of me are by my man Miroslav Polacek